Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fat Booth

So what's been going on ay? I've been doing some fun stuff!! haha, ALWAYS.

Last weekend, my good friend Leslee Hendrix married her love, Jordan Williams. She is now Mrs. Leslee Williams! I was so excited to be in her wedding, her colors were Garnet and Gold, and turned out so beautiful. My mom did my hair and did such a great job. They went on their honeymoon to Sandals in Jamaica, which just reminded me of Brandon and my honeymoon in Cancun, I loved it so much. So, CONGRATS to The Williams!

Lets see, I started sitting for one of the Doctor at work's kids. He has two kids, a boy and a girl and they are so cute!!! I will be doing that once a week, and I'm really excited about it! I'm excited about the Panorama at Olive on December 10 and 12. My coworkers are threatening to heckle me while I'm singing with the choir. Dear Lord please don't let this happen. lol. We are singing with two other churches which I think will be really great. You should come if you can!

I finished reading a book today, The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It was the next book on the list for the book club I'm in at work. We only meet once a month, but you'd be surprised at how fast that comes around! you should definitely read it. It was a great book.

I'm of course stoked that Auburn is undefeated, and all we have left is the Iron Bowl! I hope all this nonsense about Cam Newton is just that, and that nothing else comes out. I hate that for Auburn and all the fans that are so excited for the wins. WAR EAGLE.Brandon went with the high school boys from the youth group and a bunch of manly men camping. Brandon doesn't get to do this much as he's married to a scardie cat. I was happy that he got to go. Since all the men were out, some of us wives went out to eat and to a movie. We went to Tuscan Oven and to see Morning Glory. Tuscan Oven was delicious!! All 4 of us got Sweet Tea, Salad, and all liked pepperoni pizza, YUMMY YUMMY! Morning Glory was "ok". I really wish they wouldn't have premarital sex in movies, it sends such a bad message. I understand if its Rated R, blah blah. I just i dunno hate it.

Speaking of Yummy Yummy, did you know there is a facebook app called Fat Booth and takes your picture and adds a few pounds. Here is one my friend at work did:I know this is so mean, but omgsh, if we can't laugh at ourselves who can we laugh at? A patient called today and I asked him how he was he said, "I can't look this good and feel bad!" Haha what a great attitude, lol.

We are trying to train Tux and Tenley better, they are very bad kids, I mean dogs. We are way to lenient. And while I'm on this tangent, WE ARE NOT HAVING KIDS YET. lol, there I said it.

I will try to update soon ok Emily??

See ya!
-Krista (Brandon Tux and Tenley)

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